"You need to talk to someone you can confide in, someone who cares and will understand. Not necessarily the one you are speaking to at the moment, I know God will strengthen you. Keep yourself strong and remember life needs to continue no matter how much we fall. The good news is we have to stand up and keep moving cause the finish line is the goal not the obstacles we face while on the track"
Just when i felt i have communicated effectively after saying all these things, the big question that sweeps me off my feet comes. " How do you stand and keep moving?"................. Hmm food for thought.
Here we are in a confused world full of confused people. Everyone trying to set the standard and meet up to expectations forgetting those expectations were standards set by men. A world where you wake up and the under wears that were invented initially to cover the buttocks are now made for the buttocks to cover the underwear. Are we going to say we are not going to follow the standard. A world where in fifty years from now our children will see what we call absurd as their own lifestyle (standard) which they will have to live as normal.
Now that brings me to the question why worry about how bad you have fallen when you still have such a long track to cover to reach your goal. The disappointment of falling does not come most times based on the fact that we fall but based on the fact that people expected better things than that. Why bother about people? They were not there when the standards were set, they would not be there when the standards will be changed, so why consider them when setting your own standard?
Falling is the ultimate test of stamina, standing is the ultimate reassurance of confidence. Standing tells everyone you know what you are doing and you know where you are heading. How do you stand? You stand by understanding you have not reached your final goal therefore that motivates you to stand. Now when people do not cherish their final goals even when they realize they have not reached that goal after falling, they may decide to abandon that goal and want to give up. Therefore first key point for standing is understanding your goal and cherishing it with a passion. The three D's of cherishing and achieving it is Determination, Dedication and Discipline. Those 3 D's will make you cherish and achieve what ever goal you desire in life once you have the backing of God.
Am still off my feet as that question still keeps me thinking........ "How do you stand and keep moving"
Post your comments just to help people know how they can stand after they feel or sense they have fallen.